Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Innisfil

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Protect Your Lifelong Vision

As we age, we experience a lot of change—and often the little changes make a big impact on our daily lives. Unfortunately, many eye problems can develop from minor changes, growing gradually without obvious signs or symptoms. Eye exams allow us to detect and monitor even the little changes, so we can help protect your visual health throughout your life.

At Alcona Eye Care Centre, we are committed to helping you achieve optimal vision and eye health. We look at the little things to help you see the big picture. Schedule your routine eye exam today so we can preserve lifelong visual health.

How Frequently Do Adults Need an Eye Exam?

How often you should schedule an eye exam depends on your vision and health. Generally, adults ages 20–64 should have at least one eye exam every 2–3 years, while seniors 65+ should have an eye exam annually.

But you may benefit from more frequent eye exams for more in-depth care. Patients may visit us more often when receiving treatment for dry eye, macular degeneration, or diabetic eye disease.

Eye Exams Are Health Care

Checking the health of your eyes goes beyond assessing a prescription for glasses. Regular eye exams can detect signs of eye disease and general health problems, even when you do not experience visual symptoms.

We work with you to develop preventative care based on your age, risk factors, and lifestyle. Regular eye exams help us stay up to date with changes in your eye health throughout your life so we can adapt our care as needed.

How Diagnostic Technology Enhances Routine Care

Diagnostic technology is an essential part of comprehensive eye care. Looking beneath the surface can tell us a lot about the health of your vision. Every aspect of your visual system, from the iris (coloured part of the eye) to the retina (light-detecting tissue), plays a crucial role in helping your eyes function effectively and comfortably. 

Seeing the fine details of every layer of your eye—from front to back—allows for more accurate diagnosis and treatment. The more we know about your eyes, the more insight we have into how we can best serve you.

OCT Exams

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive imaging technique which uses light waves to capture microscopic images inside the eye. OCT uses light rather than sound waves to show the different layers that make up the back of your eye.

OCT can improve diagnostic accuracy when monitoring or forms of eye disease and issues like glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, macular holes, and vitreous detachments. It can also help detect conditions impacting general health, such as heart disease, vascular disease, and certain cancers.

For patients with a family history of ocular diseases, OCT can help us plan preventive care and give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your eyes are healthy.

Caring Beyond 20/20 Vision

Seeing clearly is only one aspect of vision. 20/20 or “normal” vision only represents how clearly you can view objects from 20 feet away (about 6 metres). But the measurement does not describe the quality of your vision or the health of your eyes. 

We offer comprehensive services because we care about how you experience vision. You may be able to read letters of a chart, but experience blurred vision or dry eyes throughout the day. We are your trusted resource for eye health, helping you with proactive prevention and treatment tailored to your needs.

Schedule Your Eye Exam

At Alcona Eye Care, we genuinely care about our patients’ well-being. Comprehensive eye exams are essential to providing the tools to protect your vision and preserve your quality of life. Schedule your comprehensive eye exam with Alcona Eye Care Centre.

Visit Our Location

Come see us in the Crossroads Plaza shopping centre! Free parking is available in the large lot just outside our front doors.

Our Address

  • 11-1070 Innisfil Beach Rd.
  • Innisfil, ON L9S 4T9

Contact Information

Direct Line: 705-294-2020

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Our Brands

Your eyeglasses can sharpen your vision and your style. The spectacle selection at Alcona Eye Care Centre offers something for everyone. From updating your child’s prescription for back-to-school or trying a new look to express yourself, we’ll be your guide to eyewear fashion and fit.

Our Blogs

Does OHIP Cover Eyeglasses for Seniors?


For many seniors, eyeglasses are a necessity. The simple fact is that our vision tends to worsen as we age, and with that changing reality many people wonder what sort of assistance they can expect.  OHIP does not cover eyeglasses for seniors, though other insurance plans might. Clear sight is not something you want to […]

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May 1, 2024
Alex Nwadozi

Can Myopia be Reversed?

Eye Care, Myopia

Many patients live with myopia, a common eye condition. It typically develops in early childhood and can progress for years if left untreated. Early intervention is important for helping correct and control myopia.  While no cure for myopia exists, and you cannot reverse its effects, your optometrist can help protect your child’s vision. They can […]

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March 4, 2024
Alex Nwadozi

How Long Does Eye Strain Last?

Eye Strain

Experiencing eye strain is akin to a nagging reminder of the countless hours you spend staring at screens or intensely focusing on intricate tasks. It can manifest as a temporary discomfort, but how long does this sensation tend to linger?  Eye strain can persist until you address the conditions causing it—whether it’s not taking enough […]

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February 23, 2024
Alex Nwadozi
A happy older adult trying on a pair of glasses with his wife.

For many seniors, eyeglasses are a necessity. The simple fact is that our vision tends to worsen as we age, and with that changing reality many people wonder what sort of assistance they can expect.  OHIP does not cover eyeglasses for seniors, though other insurance plans might. Clear sight is not something you want to […]

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A child with large round glasses sitting on a couch and holding a smartphone very close to his face.

Many patients live with myopia, a common eye condition. It typically develops in early childhood and can progress for years if left untreated. Early intervention is important for helping correct and control myopia.  While no cure for myopia exists, and you cannot reverse its effects, your optometrist can help protect your child’s vision. They can […]

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A woman suffering from eye strain after working on her laptop.

Experiencing eye strain is akin to a nagging reminder of the countless hours you spend staring at screens or intensely focusing on intricate tasks. It can manifest as a temporary discomfort, but how long does this sensation tend to linger?  Eye strain can persist until you address the conditions causing it—whether it’s not taking enough […]

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